The stock status is shown on the product page.

If the product is in stock, we indicate "in stock" with a green dot, or "only few left" with a yellow dot.

If the product is out of stock, we indicate "out of stock" with a red dot.

You can find the product's size chart/guide on the specific product you are looking at. Alternatively, you can contact us for more guidance.

We ship to 75 countries worldwide including all Europe, United States, Japan, Singapore, Canada and Australia. See our full country list here.

The delivery time depends on your choice of shipping method and destination country. We offer shipping options with both GLS, FedEx and UPS.

Read more about your estimated delivery time here.

All orders placed before 13:00 (CET/GMT+1) will be packed and shipped the same day.

The courier will usually pick up your order between 14:00 and 15:00 (CET/GMT+1) only on weekdays.

You will receive an email with your tracking number as soon as your order is shipped from our warehouse.

Our time zone is Copenhagen (CET/GMT+1)

If you live within the EU or in the UK, the answer is no.

If you live outside the EU and the UK, e.g. in United States, Japan or Singapore, you might need to pay customs duties depending on the products you purchase and your country's import rules.

You will be charged customs duties (if applicable) by the courier before they can deliver your order.

If you have entered a correct e-mail address, you will receive an email with your tracking information after we have shipped your order.

Our courier will subsequently contact you about when you can expect to have your package delivered to your chosen destination.

Remember to check your spam folder.

If you have entered a correct e-mail address, you will receive an email with your invoice after your purchase. In this email you are also able to download your invoice.

Remember to check your spam folder.

Please contact us if you haven't received your order confirmation or can't find your invoice.

All returns take place through our return portal, so we can easily maintain an overview. You can go to our return portal here.

As soon as you have created your return request via our return portal, it will take up to 1-3 working days before your return request is approved. When your return is approved, you will receive an email where you can see our return address or download your return label (depending on your return method).

When we have received your return package, it will usually take 1-3 business days before we have processed your return and sent either your money back or a gift voucher. Depending on your payment method, there will be 1-3 business days waiting time before you can see the money in your account. If you have chosen a voucher, you will receive this immediately via e-mail.

You can expect that the total return process usually take 5-12 working days.

We are, of course, very sorry if you have received a wrong item. What happens next? All you have to do is create a return so we can make an exchange to the correct item as fast as possible. You can create your return here. We will provide a return label and cover all exchange costs.

We are, of course, very sorry if we missed an item in your order. This would be a mistake in our packing process, and can happen in busy periods. What happens next? At first, you will need to contact us about your missing item. Afterwards, we will check our stock level to find the missing product and send you the missing item without any extra shipping costs.

We are, of course, very sorry if you have received a defective item. What happens next? All you have to do is to contact us with a description of the issue with attached documentation (usually photos or a video). Afterwards, we will create and RMA and provide you with different solution options. If there should be any return/exhange costs, you will not be charged for these.